Summer of Share and Care | Let’s make the summer a bit more bearable for people who are homeless.

Donate summer clothes, packed water and dry ration. Let’s defeat harsh summer together.
Entire year, we run our share and care campaign, wherein, we provide in-kind help to the homeless and underprivileged patients in Government hospitals, to the people living in open on streets and night shelters in Delhi and other major parts of Northern India with the support of our volunteers and corporate and individual donors.
According to the Meteorological Department’s prediction, summer weather, this year, would be higher than normal. Records show that 2015 was the third warmest year recorded since 1901.
After battling with cruel winter, harsh summer poses another set of challenges for the homeless as temperature soars into the forties and in some areas, touches fifty degrees. Some of the health risks as an outcome are dehydration, heat stroke and general exhaustion.
Financial Assistance Details:
For Online Transfers: NEFT Details
Bank name: HDFC Bank |
Branch: Anand Niketan, New Delhi 110021 |
Type: Savings
A/c No. 03361450000251 |
IFSC Code HDFC0000336
Cheques Details
Cheques can be made in favour of UDAY FOUNDATION FOR CDRBG TRUST and send at following address:
Uday Foundation,
113A/1, Adhchini, Sri Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi 110017 Phone: 011-26561333/444
Please share the details after you have made the donation to [email protected], along with your complete address and PAN card no, enabling us to send a 80G tax exemption receipt of the same.
Watch video of our winter drives
Frequently Asked Questions
113A/1, Adhchini
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110017
Uday Foundation for Congenital Defects and Rare Blood Groups
113A/1 (Near Govardhan Resturant), Adhchini
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110017
(Donations are eligible for tax exemption under section 80G of Income Tax Act 1961)